Copyright © 2001-2009
Hardware and Software Specifications, Examples, Links, and other info. are valid at the publishing time. In case it become invalid use the Internet Search. 1st Published, Jan. 2007 Update Jan. 2009 Over 11,000,000 Hits Site Wide in 2008 ![]()
Buffalo Entry Level 802.11g Wireless Cable/DSL Router. Please Note: As of Nov. 2007 a patent infringement law suit prohibits Buffalo from selling the 802.11g Wireless line in the USA. In January of 2009 the court altered its decision and the Buffalo High Power is available aging in the USA. The WHR-HP-G54 High Power has an RF amplifier that doubles the Signal Output, thus yield much better Wireless coverage and cleaner signal. For more precise explanation about the High Power see here, http://www.ezlan.net/WHR-HP-G54.html This Router is complying with the 802.11b/g standard. There are on the market much more expensive devices that do not comply with a standard (known as preN/Draft_N Wireless Routers). My suggestion is to stay away from these expensive devices until there is a decision on a 802.11n standard. See more here, http://www.ezlan.net/faq,html#MIMO
Disclaimer, I have no connection with
any Brand that manufactures Network Devices, or with any of the vendors that are
mentioned on this page. The Buffalo's devices that are mentioned on this page, as is out of the Box can do Static DHCP, and WDS, they are very Stable fast. If you are Not familiar with Wireless Modes read this, http://www.ezlan.net/Wireless_Modes.html 3rd party Firmware (DD-WRT) What makes them even better is a release of few 3rd party independent programmers that offer free firmware that can be installed and replace the Buffalo own firmware (firmware is like the Operating System of the Router). If the Router works well for you as is out of the Box and you do not need any additional functions do not Flash the 3rd party firmware it does not make the Router better re-se. Firmware like the DD_WRT is Not faster, better, or more stable than the original firmware, it just supports more functions that are not supported by the stock firmware.
This is the list of DD-WRT feature (click on about in this
page) ,
In order to be thorough you must compare this list with the
data sheet of your Router. Instructions for Flashing DD-WRT Buffalo's Firmware, here Instructions for Qos, http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Quality_of_Service Instructions for Bridging (Client Mode) - http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Wireless_Bridge Instructions for WDS (repeater) - http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/WDS_Linked_router_network If you need the original Buffalo Firmware you can find it here by clicking on others and the buffalo line, http://www.dd-wrt.com/dd-wrtv2/downloads.php Do not Rush to Flash make sure that you read every thing and know what to do in case of trouble